QC Equipments
The inspection equipments we often use in Pan Taiwan
We understand that inspection is the way to confirm the quality of the goods that we make. Therefore, it is important to have proper tools to do the job right. In Pan Taiwan, we do our best to prepare all the necessary equipements for quality control.
For example, we have cross cutter and electrometer to see how well the plating/painting attach to the product and how thick the plating is. We also have hardness tester for rubber and micrometer for threads. Besides caliper, we may use 3D scanner or 2.5D measuring machine to check the dimensions. Concentricity meter and altitude gauge are also very helpful. In case we need to simulate the extreme environment, there is a temperature and humidity chamber for us to use. The most importment thing is, we maintain all the equipements in good condition and have labs to calibrate them regularly.